If you’re looking for information on how to get rid of genital herpes fast, you’ve come to the right place because in this article you’ll know everything you need to learn about this disease and its treatment.
The content of the writing covers the signs and symptoms of the disease, the causes, the diagnosis, the ways of contagion, the possible treatments and the prevention. I include the latest known treatment that integrates conventional medicine with alternative medicine to completely eliminate the herpes virus from your body.
I have also included access to an anti-herpes product composed of 26 natural ingredients whose consumption prevents outbreaks.
The article is written in clear and simple language so that it can be understood without difficulty.
I have included an index with a link to the content corresponding to each topic; you can start reading by the most interesting part for you, which may be the one corresponding to the treatments and especially the treatment that cures genital herpes definitively.
Signs and symptoms [↑]
Genital herpes is a recurrent disease of viral cause whose signs and symptoms in one of its stages consist of very painful blisters grouped in circular clusters in the region of the genitals and nearby areas. These blisters break and in the area that occupies each one a sore appears that is covered by a crust.
The clinical picture from the early stages of the disease until sores appear is called a genital herpes outbreak. Since the disease is recurrent, there are usually several outbreaks, although the first is the most severe.
The signs and symptoms of genital herpes, and especially those of the first outbreak, are itching, tingling, burning, and redness in the area where the outbreak will appear.
These signs and symptoms located in the area of the outbreak are usually accompanied by others that affect our whole body or specific areas such as lack of appetite, swollen groin glands, fever and malaise, as well as muscle aches in the lower back, knees and buttocks.
There are cases in which the first outbreak does not occur as described because its signs appear as insect bites or mild skin affectation.
According to medical statistics, there are more cases of genital herpes in women than in men, although some attribute this difference to women turning more to medical care than men.
Genital herpes in men most often affects the penis, scrotum, thighs, and buttocks, and in women the vagina, cervix, vulva, thighs, and around the anus.

Female genital herpes.

Male genital herpes.
Obviously the sex of the patient determines the specific characteristics of genital herpes. For this reason I have written an article devoted to herpes on vagina and vulva and another devoted to the herpes on scrotum cure.
In women, the disease usually causes vaginal discharge, pain when urinating, and possibly partial obstruction of the urethra, which in acute cases will require a bladder catheter until the swelling subsides.
Genital herpes is much more common in people who have sex than in those who do not: it is a sexually transmitted disease. In fact, it is rare in children and the elderly, even if they are infected by a causative virus because as people age, recurrences decrease.
What causes genital herpes? [↑]
Eight species of viruses in the herpesvirus family are currently known to infect humans, but only two of them cause genital herpes. The most common cause is herpes simplex virus type 2.
It is also a cause of genital herpes, the herpes simplex virus type 1, well known because it is the main cause of the disease in the parts of the body located above the shoulders such as the face, eyes and mouth.
Sometimes we confuse the causes of genital herpes with the triggers. Stress, prolonged exposure to the sun, and wearing clothes that are too tight on the body are all factors that can cause herpes outbreaks in people infected with the virus, but they are not the real cause.
How is genital herpes spread? [↑]
The two virus species that cause the disease are transmitted by contact from one person to another, but also between two areas of a person’s body.
The infected area will be affected by a herpes outbreak between two days and two weeks after exposure to the virus, or the outbreak may simply not occur even though the person has been infected with the virus.
In research conducted by scientists at the universities of California and Washington on the relationship between personal hygiene habits and infection by sexually transmitted diseases, the results of which were published in BMJ Journals in 2017, it has been revealed hair removal is correlated with infection by viruses or bacteria that cause these diseases, including viruses that cause herpes in the genitals.
Genital herpes diagnosis [↑]
The diagnosis of genital herpes begins with the patient’s own self-diagnosis, but this is not enough; it is only the first phase that should be followed by a visit to a doctor.
If you have had sex with a recent partner and you feel the symptoms described above, you already have reason to visit your doctor on suspicion of genital herpes. You should not omit any details related to the symptoms during the interview with the doctor, as this may hinder the diagnosis.
There are several laboratory tests that can determine if a person is infected with any of the viruses that cause the disease. Some tests can identify the type of virus, which is important in deciding on treatment.
There are viral culture tests that consist of taking a sample of the liquid from the blisters or secretions of the sores and analyzing the presence of the virus in it. These tests obviously require the patient to have an outbreak and are most effective if used on the first outbreak.
If the amount of virus in the sample is not enough, viral culture tests can produce false negatives. In these cases, another type of test should be used.
To diagnose genital herpes in women and men, there are also blood tests with some of which the type of virus can be identified.
Blood tests require the patient to have been infected with the virus at least three weeks prior to testing because the immune system needs three to 10 weeks to produce antibodies indicative of the presence of the virus. This is its main disadvantage.
How to avoid genital herpes outbreaks? [↑]
Genital herpes affects health through two main ways.
The first is psychological. When we know that we are infected by the virus, worries arise that can lead to stress and depression.
The second effect of genital herpes is caused by outbreaks. If we could avoid them, we would get rid of it and also improve our psychological state.
The ingestion of this product has no side effects and is suitable for anyone. By clicking on the image you can access its official website and learn about all its features.
How to get rid of genital herpes fast at home? [↑]
If you write in any internet search engine the phrase how to get rid of genital herpes, it is most likely that thousands of results will appear that talk about the subject.
One of the reasons for this diversity is the existence of three types of treatments and a variety of procedures in each of these types.
Genital herpes treatments can be divided into three types, depending on the approach to health care that supports them. The first encompasses treatments based on conventional medicine, all based on the use of antiviral agents; the second uses alternative medicine procedures; and the third combines both approaches.
Below I will discuss several treatments as they relate to the answer to how to get rid of genital herpes. In the analysis of each I will consider the type to which it belongs according to the approach to health care, the remedies it uses, whether its application eliminates the virus, the harmful side effects to health and the magnitude of its cost.
Can genital herpes be cured with drugs? [↑]
The answer to this question is not affirmative because there are no medications to cure genital herpes.
There is an intermediate solution because with the available medicines the disease can be treated to shorten the duration of outbreaks and decrease the frequency of recurrences.
Treatment of genital herpes with drugs is based on the use of an antiviral agent that stops the reproduction of the virus, although it does not eliminate it definitively. The simultaneous use of several antiviral agents does not make the treatment more effective; that is why only one is used.
Acyclovir is available in various forms: tablets, injections, capsules, suspensions for oral use, ointments and creams. Its topical presentations are the creams and ointments and the non-topical ones, the rest.
The use of creams on the genitals is contraindicated due to the high content of water in its chemical composition, which creates a suitable habitat for fungi that can damage them.
People who don’t know that creams shouldn’t be used on the genitals often ask for creams for genital herpes when they should be interested in ointments, which are compounds without water or with a lower water content than creams.
Non-topical presentations of acyclovir often have several harmful health side effects including hair loss, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach upset, and changes in vision.
Due to these harmful effects, non-topical acyclovir should be used only for medical indication and when consumed we should be aware of possible reactions of the body to the drug.
Valacyclovir is available in tablet form and when metabolized by the body it becomes acyclovir. The same is true of famciclovir.
Antiviral agents to treat genital herpes often come at a high price, and their cost rises due to recurrent outbreaks.
Can genital herpes be cured naturally? [↑]
This question is quite frequent and there is a lot of discussion as to whether or not a purely natural treatment can eliminate the virus from the body once and for all.
Natural or alternative medicine includes treatments based on home remedies, acupuncture, ozone therapy and the use of natural ointments.
Several herbs and essential oils with antiviral properties are known to help fight the herpes simplex virus, but they do not completely eliminate it from our body.
One of the most commonly used natural ointments to treat genital herpes is Tea Tree Ointment, which is obtained by processing the oil extract from this tree which has well-known antibiotic and antiviral properties. The ointment does not eliminate the virus and its cost is about 40 USD.
Is there a cure for genital herpes? [↑]
Nowadays, the treatments of illnesses where alternative and conventional medicine are combined are usual. Treatments based on this approach to health care have been called integrative treatments.
This treatment is a result of research by a British doctor and it is based on the use of some drugs and mainly on alternative medicine.
The Ultimate Herpes Protocol does not cure the disease overnight; it does so over a period of up to two months although its effects on decreasing the intensity of the outbreak are immediately noticeable.
The cure for genital herpes with this treatment is structured in three stages. The first is aimed at strengthening your immune system to enhance the production of antibodies that eliminate the virus, the second destroys the protective protein layer of the virus that prevents it from being reached by the immune system and the third actions are undertaken to prevent the reproduction of the virus.
The first stage is aimed at strengthening your immune system to enhance the production of antibodies that eliminate the virus, in the second applies remedies that destroy the protective protein layer of the virus that prevents the destruction of the virus by the immune system and in the third actions are undertaken to prevent the reproduction of the virus.
This process takes a maximum of 60 days and its fundamental result is the definitive cure of herpes without harmful side effects for your health. With a strengthened immune system you will be healthier because you will also be able to avoid other diseases.
The Ultimate Herpes Protocol can be applied at home. The manual that explains the remedies to use and how to cure genital herpes with this treatment was written by Melanie Addington, daughter of the creator of the method. You can download it in PDF format from their official website.
This treatment is also effective against any type of herpes caused by a herpes simplex virus.
If you are Spanish-speaking and you want to know how to get rid of genital herpes fast from your body, you can download the book in Spanish.
If your mother tongue is French, you can read The Ultimate Herpes Protocol in French.
Comparison of treatments [↑]
In Table 1 I summarize a comparison between the genital herpes treatments I have described above.
Table 1: Genital herpes treatments | ||||
Type of treatment | Example | Remedies used | Side effects | Virus removal |
Conventional medicine | Treatment with acyclovir. | Antiviral agents. | Several, including hair loss. | They don’t remove the virus. |
Alternative medicine | Tea Tree Ointment. | Acupuncture, ozone therapy, ointments, patches and others. | No harmful side effects. | They don’t remove the virus. |
Integrative treatments | The Ultimate Herpes Protocol. | Natural remedies and non-invasive drugs. | No harmful side effects. | ELIMINATES THE HERPES VIRUS. |
Prevention [↑]
The large number of people infected with herpes simplex virus type 2 and the rapid growth of this number indicate prevention of infection is poor.
It’s important for you to know that you can get the virus, even if your partner doesn’t have an outbreak; it’s even possible that she doesn’t even know she’s infected. The virus activates at certain times and can do so without causing an outbreak. When this happens, you can become infected through contact with your partner’s body fluids.
Another important knowledge to keep in mind is that condom use does not guarantee total protection.
Endnotes about how to get rid of genital herpes fast [↑]
I hope this article about treatments for genital herpes in men and women has met your expectations for the information you need to get rid of the disease.
The most useful information in the article refers to the cure for genital herpes using The Ultimate Herpes Protocol.
If you have read the full article you will have taken an important step because knowing about the diseases that affect us is the first step to a cure.
I only need to ask you to share this article with your friends on social networks, if you have found it useful, because then they can benefit from the information it contains.
How can you test a negative and positive at the same time and have no symptoms. My doctor told me that I dont need medication because im a dormat.. it most be something going on .
Are these treatments legit and is there a way to buy them?
The Ultimate Herpes Protocol has been used by thousands of people. You can access the treatment from the link https://killherpesvirus.com/uhp/