How do you know if you have herpes or yeast infection? In this paper I offer an answer to this question and also to other questions regarding the relationship between herpes and fungal infection. The paper is dedicated to comparing the two diseases by presenting their similarities and differences. The comparison also includes the treatments. …Read More
Articles about herpes virus
Herpesvirus family and diseases in humans
If you are interested in the answer to the question about how many herpes viruses are there, you will receive it in this article because the writing is dedicated to the herpesvirus family and the diseases that the family viruses cause in humans. In this article you will know a member of herpesvirus family that causes …Read More
How to prevent herpes outbreaks naturally or with drugs?
If you want to know how to prevent herpes outbreaks, you’ve come to the right place to get the information you need to avoid them forever. Herpes is a disease caused by a virus that affects us physically and mentally. The fact of knowing we are infected causes us psycho-emotional affections, even if we have …Read More
Natural remedies for herpes outbreak prevention. Do they remove the virus?
If you’re looking for natural remedies for herpes outbreak prevention, you’ve come to the place where you’ll get the knowledge and advices that will help you achieve your purpose. Most people who are interested in seeking remedies for herpes are very concerned because they are affected by a genital herpes or cold sore, which are …Read More
Herpes from stress. How to cure your herpes forever and manage your stress?
If you’ve been looking for information about herpes from stress or cold sores from stress, you’ve come to the right place because by reading this article you’ll get tips on taking action to cure herpes forever and manage stress. By reading the article you will learn the real cause of herpes is not stress, but …Read More
Human herpes virus: diseases caused by it, their symptoms, treatments, transmission and prevention
In this article I will tell you about herpes viruses, their types, the most frequent illnesses that they can cause in human being, their treatments, the roads of transmission of human herpes virus and actions you should execute to prevent the neonatal infection. I have divided the treatments in three types. Those of the first type …Read More
How to cure herpes naturally forever? Medicinal herbs, natural oils and a combined treatment
If you want to know about natural herpes simplex treatments, you should read this article. You will learn about a natural product composed of 26 ingredients, very effective for the treatment of herpes outbreaks and their prevention. You will also learn how to treat herpes with natural herbs and oils. We also include an integrative treatment that eliminates the virus from your body within 60 days.