Herpes is a viral disease that can affect different parts of the body though the genitals and lips are the most affected. This illness can also affect the tongue and cause very uncomfortable problems of health. In this article I will tell you about the definitive herpes on tongue cure, based on a combined treatment which uses natural remedies and medications.
In my presentation I have included answers to the most frequent questions about the topic, especially to questions about how to get rid of herpes on tongue fast?
The digestion of the foods we eat begins in the mouth. The tongue plays an important role in this process; its function is to hydrate the mouth and food, swallowing and detecting the taste of everything we eat and drink.
Those who suffer from herpes wish that the tongue was the last place where the disease would appear. But the diseases do not obey to the whims of sufferers, although you can fight them and finally get rid of herpes outbreak.
You may to read any section. Click on its title |
Signs and symptoms of herpes on tongue |
Herpes on tongue causes |
Tongue herpes diagnosis |
Treatments for herpes on tongue using medicine |
Is there herpes on tongue cure? |
Natural remedies for herpes on tongue |
Conclusions |
Signs and symptoms of herpes on tongue [↑]
The signs of herpes on tongue begin with tingling, itching and burning sensations. Then some blisters appear and eventually these blisters burst and cause ulcers that are very annoying when eating the food.
The above signs and symptoms may be accompanied by discomfort, fever and swollen glands around the neck. These symptoms are also typical of herpes labialis and other manifestations of herpes in the upper part of the body such as herpes on face and herpes in the nose. The question about what is the treatment of herpes labialis doesn’t have an unique answer.
Tongue herpes outbreak
If you are seropositive for the herpes simplex virus maybe you don’t have symptoms of the illness or you don´t know that you are host of the virus. When your immune system weakens or you are affected by factors of risk, the virus will show externally causing you a herpes outbreak.
If the outbreak appears on your tongue, you will suffer from a tongue herpes outbreak. This illness goes through a cycle of six stages which are represented in the image.

Stages of tongue herpes outbreak.
The image shows a cycle because the herpes on the tongue is a recurrent illness. If you don’t eliminate the virus from your body, you will suffer again the illness in the same place of the initial outbreak.
Questions about signs and symptoms
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Is herpes on tongue painful? [↑]
Herpes on the tongue follows a cycle of six stages: prodrome, inflammation, blister, ulcers, crust and healing. Blisters usually appear about three days after prodrome and they are very painful.
What does herpes on tongue look like? [↑]
Signs of herpes on tongue can be confused with symptoms of other diseases that damage the body.
The tongue can suffer from other disorders that could be confused with herpes; among these we have the canker sores, the geographical tongue and the burning mouth syndrome.
Canker sores
Sometimes the signs of herpes on tongue can be confused with signs of so-called canker sores which are sores that appear on the mouth and tongue.
The causes of the emergence of these sores are not well known, but specialists believe that these ulcers appear in response to a weakened immune system, stress, hormonal changes or as a manifestation to a deficit of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet.
Stress is a negative emotional state that causes herpes from stress in people infected with the herpes virus.
Herpes on the tongue is a main form of herpes stomatitis. The other main form of stomatitis on tongue is canker sores.

Herpes on tongue pictures.
Geographical tongue
We call a geographical tongue a disorder in which the tongue is covered by patches that move from day to day, which give it a map-like appearance and whose duration can be longer than a month.
In addition to the patches, smooth red sores may appear.
The causes of the geographical tongue are unknown and to prevent this disorder we recommend avoiding hot, spicy or alcohol-containing foods.
Burning mouth syndrome
Burning mouth syndrome is a disease that often causes metallic taste and burning and pain in the mouth, tongue, or lips. The pain is more intense during the day and usually lessens after meals.
The cause of burning mouth syndrome is unknown and it is known that this disease is associated with menopause and other hormonal changes, mental disorders, the consumption of certain medications, especially monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOs) and poor nutrition.
Other causes of tongue ulcers
Ulcers may appear in the tongue due to the ingestion of too much hot food and to the use of certain medications such as aspirin, penicillin, the drugs used in chemotherapy, phenytoin, and sulfonamides.
Also, patients often confuse the symptoms of herpes on the tongue with oral candidiasis and do not know whether they have herpes or yeast infection.
How long does herpes on tongue lasts? [↑]
Herpes on tongue can last about 10 days. These are ten days of discomfort and great inconvenience to eat and talk. Blisters and sores may appear on the upper surface of the tongue, on the underside (herpes under tongue), edges (herpes on side of tongue) and up to the tip.
Can herpes on tongue go away? [↑]
Herpes tongue disappears after about ten days, even if you did not applied treatment. The illness is recurrent: it can appear again in any moment because the virus that causes it remains in your body.
Herpes on tongue causes [↑]
The tongue herpes is a viral disease; there are two types of viruses that cause it. The virus that more frequently causes this disease is the herpes simplex virus type 1 which is also the cause of cold sores and other types of herpes that affect the top part of the body and especially the organs that are located above the neck.
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (natural cause of genital herpes) also causes herpes on tongue, although with less frequency.
Is herpes on tongue contagious?
This virus spreads from one person to another by contact with the liquid present in herpes lesions. Any contact that you have with a person carrying the virus could be fatal because the virus is always lurking.
Sexual relationships are very conducive to the spread because many times there are people who unknowingly are carriers of the virus.
If you are suffering from herpes on the tongue you should avoid to kiss a baby because it is very possible the transmission of virus. You should also avoid sexual relationships during the outbreak because you could contaminate your partner.
In July 2018, Jeff Gober announced on Facebook that his baby Mallory Gober had died in Arizona, USA, after three weeks of being born.
According to Jeff Gober, his daughter was born healthy and was infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1, which caused her death.
The girl’s father does not know how her daughter was infected and sent a message to all parents recommending that they wash their hands thoroughly before touching a baby.
Babies’ immune systems are underdeveloped. If they become infected with the herpes virus, their health can be severely affected.
Can you get herpes on your tongue?
The probability of getting the illness depends on the sanitary measures that you apply preventively. You should avoid sexual relationships without protection and oral sex because many people are infected by the virus without knowing it.
The virus is present in the bladders and wounds. When you have contact with them the virus is transmitted. Oral sex is one of the infection ways that can produce you herpes on tongue caused by herpes simplex virus type 2.
Tongue herpes diagnosis [↑]
The diagnosis of herpes on tongue begins with the self-diagnosis of the sickness. When a person has the symptoms of herpes on tongue, she or he should go to the doctor to have it examined. The diagnosis of herpes is done through a blood test.
There are several blood tests to detect the herpes virus, but some of them are not completely reliable because sometimes they do not provide the correct information about the type of the virus. The most reliable blood tests to diagnose herpes include HerpeSelect ™ and Herpes Western Blot tests.
Treatment for herpes on tongue using medicine [↑]
When we are choosing a treatment to fight this disease, it is important to keep in mind that it is caused by a virus. The use of antibiotics to fight this illness is inadequate because the antibiotics are not conceived to fight virus.
Tongue herpes is one of the most challenging deals because external treatments are often ineffective. It is very difficult to apply a cream or ointment on tongue. In tongue, it is not recommended to apply heat which is commonly used to treat cold sores.
Antiviral agents
For the above reasons herpes on tongue is treated primarily with remedies taken orally. Doctors often indicate taking acyclovir tablets[2]: a drug that stops the reproduction of the virus, but that has several potential side effects harmful to health which are described in the medical encyclopedia Medlineplus. acyclovir is a treatment, but it is not the herpes on tongue cure.
Acyclovir is a systemic antiviral agent which has demonstrated effectiveness against herpes stomatitis on tongue.
Besides this medication there are other two antiviral systemic agents: famciclovir and valacyclovir whose brands are Famvir® and Valtrex® respectively. The Famvir use is contraindicated in children and lactose intolerant patients.
Although virus researchers were concerned about finding a vaccine against herpes type 1 and herpes type 2, this kind of treatment is not available yet. So there is not preventive herpes on tongue cure. Herpes on tongue medicine fights the illness, but it doesn’t eliminate the virus that causes it.
Antibiotics for herpes on tongue!
Many herpes-affected people think they can use antibiotics for the treatment of this disease and when they search for information on the network they often use the phrase “antibiotics for herpes”.
Antibiotics are compounds against bacteria. Because herpes is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not usually used in herpes treatment.
A study published in the Acta Odontol Scand journal in February 2009 shows that patients who received a treatment with Doxycycline gel healed faster and felt less pain than patients who were not treated with this antibiotic.
Is there herpes on tongue cure? [↑]
Specialists in alternative medicine have advanced in the search for treatments of herpes, and especially herpes caused by type 1 and type 2 viruses. They have been able to provide an answer to the questions: how to cure herpes on tongue? and how to get rid of herpes on tongue fast?
There is an alternative medicine treatment that has had better results, consisting of a protocol created by an experienced British doctor: “The Ultimate Herpes Protocol”.
This alternative method to cure herpes caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 is based on a sequence of three stages, each of which has a specific purpose (Table 1).
Stages of treatment
In the first stage the patient’s immune system is strengthened in which the diet plays an important role.
The second stage is aimed at destroying the layer of protection protein of the virus and once this goal is achieved, the third stage is for preventing the development and reproduction of the virus to remove it completely from the patient’s body. For that reason we say this protocol kills herpes virus.
The effectiveness of this treatment has been checked by many people for the herpes on tongue cure.
Table 1: Goals and treatments for stages of The Ultimate Herpes Protocol | ||
Stage | Goal | Treatment |
Stage 1 | Invigoration of the immune system. | Diet and lifestyle to strengthen the immune system. |
Stage 2 | Destruction of the layer of protein protector of the virus. | Application of two pharmaceutical products to eliminate the layer of protein protector of virus. |
Stage 3 | Detention of the reproduction of the virus. | Diet rich in lysine and poor in arginine and anti-herpes nutritional supplements. |
This method to treat herpes is exposed in the book “The Ultimate Herpes Protocol” which is available in PDF format on its official website.
Herpes diet
Diet is one of the factors you can control to avoid herpes outbreaks. The author of the Book explains the foods you should consume and the foods whose consumption you should avoid.
The diet for a person infected with any of the herpes viruses should be based on foods rich in lysine and poor in arginine. Arginine contributes to the replication of virus and lysine blocks it.
Lysine is in the list of the ten essential amino acids for us the humans; it carries out an important function in the absorption of the calcium and in the production of antibodies.
Arginine is also an amino acid, although it is not on the list of the ten essential amino acids for the human being; it is essential only under certain conditions especially in kids. It was isolated for the first time by the Swiss chemist Ernst Schulze in 1986.
Fish, dairy milky products and meats are foods rich in lysine. In “The Ultimate Herpes Protocol” you can obtain a list of foods in which the proportion lysine-arginine is the highest. Those are the foods you should consume preferably, if you are infected by herpes virus.
I recommend you to read the article published in this website and dedicated exclusively to the diet for herpes simplex. By reading it you will learn which foods can help you avoid outbreaks and which foods and drinks you should exclude from your diet.
Natural remedies for herpes on tongue [↑]
The curriculum of the degree in pharmacy in its beginnings included botany applied to the pharmaceutical technology. The times changed with the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmacy professional distanced from the medicinal herbs that contain the active principles of many medications.
At present time the medical treatment of herpes is based the use of acyclovir, famciclovir or valacyclovir or its respective commercial names: Zovirax and Valtrex. However, there are more effective natural remedies than these medications without side noxious effects.
These natural remedies don’t constitute herpes on tongue cures, but they reduce the time of duration and the frequency of the outbreaks.
The medicinal herbs are included in the natural remedies for herpes on tongue. Here I will analyze the use of two of them: Andrographis Paniculata and Echinacea Purpurea.
Treatment using Andrographis Paniculata. Is it herpes on tongue cure?
Andrographis Paniculata is a medicinal plant of very bitter flavor that belongs to the Acanthaceae’s family and it is part of the traditional Indian medicine. It grows in a wild way in India and Sri Lanka and it is cultivated in the south of Asia.
How to treat herpes on tongue with Andrographis Paniculata?
Herpes on tongue treatment using capsules of Andrographis is based on a dose of 60 mg per day during ten days.
Andrographis Paniculata is not a herpes on tongue cure because it doesn’t eliminate the virus of our body.
Herpes on tongue treatment using Echinacea Purpurea. Why it is not a herpes on tongue cure?
Echinacea Purpurea is a herbaceous plant of black and spicy root originating from the United States of America that grows in a wild way in plains, prairies and hills.
This plant has antivirals and anti-inflammatory properties and it is effective against herpes on tongue.
How to treat the herpes on tongue with Echinacea Purpurea?
The basic forms of Echinacea are the infusions and the capsules. The dose of the capsules depends on the person, age and body weight. We recommend a dose of 800 mg – 2 g per day after the meals and should be taken with abundant water. The time of duration of the treatment should be of seven weeks.
Herpes on tongue treatment with Echinacea should not overcome the recommended dose neither the time required for the achievement of a good effect.
Although the use of Echinacea Purpurea doesn’t have noxious side effects, in some people it can cause light digestive problems and nauseas.
Treatment of herpes on tongue using Echinacea doesn’t eliminate the virus; it only helps to shorten the duration of the outbreaks and the frequency of their appearance.
Conclusions [↑]
Herpes on tongue is a recurrent illness that provokes painful wounds. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus and its signs can be confused with canker sores signs.
You can fight this illness by using medications (antiviral agents), natural remedies and treatments based on natural and alternative medicine.
The Ultimate Herpes Protocol cures the illness because it eliminates the virus. The use of this protocol is the best answer to the question about how to get rid of tongue herpes.
1. ↑ Kanker sores. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanker_sore/
2. ↑ Acyclovir. Medlineplus. https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a681045.html
Good Day!
I have been reasearch your page about curing herpes . Please send me ideas how to kill herpes . Currently I am suffering .
Thank you
I recommend you download The Ultimate Herpes Protocol from its official site http://kilherpesvirus.com/uhp/. Herpes can also be treated using natural remedies. In this article (https://killherpesvirus.com/how-to-cure-herpes-naturally-forever/) I describe several remedies using herbs and natural oils.
Best regards.
I have a bump at the back of my tongue, it is possible that I have a herpes on my tongue? Please notice me. I need your help.
Blisters on the tongue and sores that appear later due to herpes are usually preceded by itching. If you have not had these previous signs, it is unlikely that you have herpes on your tongue.
I recommend that you consult your doctor.
Thank you for your article. I have experienced over the past several years a straight line from front to back in middle of tongue this looks like I made a cut in meat and it starts to separate. Deep enough to notice its cut and not healing at all. This crack remains permanently, I have what appears to be oval circular patches of difference sizes and locations on tongue only. At least 4 when they come back. Tongue looks like skin was shaved off. Like tastebuds were removed. Smooth flesh is present inside ovals.. Edges of tongue are involved too.
I rinse with hydrogen peroxide and it pain stops. Pain in throat and down esophagus to stomach. Pain feels same as tongue. when tongue flares up so does throat and esopgous.
I have no blisters mouth just missing top layer of skin and 2 slits in tongue.
Is there a specific test for tongue herpes?
Can I ever kiss my man again. I have not done so in a few years. ENT and PCP have failed to try to diagnose these lesions
Are there retail stores that I can purchase the products from.
What can I use for pain?
Thank you for any help you can provide.
I answer your questions.
1) Is there a specific test for tongue herpes?
There is no specific test for herpes on tongue. This type of herpes is caused primarily by herpes simplex virus type 1, but it can also be caused by herpes simplex virus type 2.
Tests are available to detect these viruses.
There are several diseases that cause ulcers on tongue. I advise you to seek a second medical opinion about your illness.
If you get tested for herpes, you can be sure whether you are infected or not.
2) Can I ever kiss my man again?
I advise you to wait until your illness is properly diagnosed because if the cause is a virus, it can spread to your man.
3) What can I use for pain?
If the lessons were caused by the herpes virus you could take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease the pain, but since you do not have a diagnosis of your illness I recommend that you see a doctor.
Hsv1 can be cured by using coconut oil . It releaves the pain instantly and in a very short time hsv1 ends. And drink hot milk frequently.
Advice for HSV-1 – keep your heart positive – you can either win this or significantly reduce symptoms / longevity of infection – tackle this with a trinity of internal, topical and external: internal: zinc tables (maximum considered safe for you daily), lysine tablets (max considered safe for you daily), cimetidine 200 (600 mg in morning and 400 mg before sleep if safe for you); topical: mix grapefruit seed oil and tea tree oil half and half in a bottle and apply at least once per day on sores on your skin (don't drink this) and keep it on – no need to wash off; external: buy bleach, lysol spray, nitrile gloves, paper towel, high quality hand sanitizer, soap (Dawn brand for kitchen and castille-based for the bathroom because these make lots of bubbles when washing with water – the bubbles break viruses apart to destroy them), good quality clothing detergent and keep your external environment clean (ie: bleach your bathroom and kitchen counters every 3 or 4 days, lysol your light switches, door knobs and faucets, change your bedsheets at least weekly, change your clothes and pajamas daily, etc), wear nitrile gloves everywhere (blame it on covid-19 or that you're germaphobic or that you're using them to preserve your hands from the elements to prevent wrinkles if you need some socially-acceptable reason) and wash your nitrile-gloved hands often with soap or hand sanitizer or lysol and make sure you wash your hands and dry them before putting your nitrile gloves on and always washing your nitrile-gloved hands before eating, put bleach in a small bottle with a tight lid and dip at least the top 1/4 or your toothbrush before and after each use to prevent reinfecting yourself and rinse with Listerine after brushing or more often, never use the same glass or utensil more than once without cleaning in a dishwasher and if you don't have a dishwasher use disposable glasses plates and utensils – do this until your HSV-1 infection is gone for at least a week. Best to keep taking zinc and lysine — it is good for preventing viruses, in general.