If you’re interested in a herpes on face treatment that eliminates the virus and prevents outbreaks, you’ve been lucky because in this article you’ll get the information you’ve been looking for.
Herpes on the face is very contagious and unpleasant. It can affect the nose, cheeks, eyes and lips.
In this article you will learn about herpes on the face, its symptoms, its causes, the routes of infection and the information that may interest you the most: different treatments and especially the treatment that eliminates the virus that causes the disease.
I will also tell you about a natural anti-herpes product that prevents outbreaks.
The article is divided into several parts which you can access from the table of contents.
You can start reading from the part that interests you most, although they all provide important information that may be useful to you.
Herpes on face [↑]
We all worry about our face[1] being pleasant to others, because it is the part of the body where the facial appearance is configured, the seal of our identity.
From the anatomical point of view, the face is a delicate region because it contains thirty pairs of muscles and four of the five organs of the senses: the eyes, the nose, the ears and the mouth.
We do not make a mistake if we say that the five organs of the senses are in the face because the sense of touch is also present in all its parts and in some areas it is very acute.
The movement of the soft tissues of the face allows us to express our emotions through mimicry.
Any condition that damages our facial appearance is a health problem to which we must give the highest priority.
Herpes is one of the diseases that most frequently affects the face; in addition to deteriorating our facial appearance, it causes emotional affectations due to the social component of the disease and although herpes lesions do not usually cause scars, they can be infected by bacteria and produce a visually unpleasant mark on the face.
Herpes on face, also called facial herpes, is not really a skin disease, but a condition caused by a virus that lodges in our body and can remain in it throughout our lives causing recurrences of the disease.
Although the eyes are on the face, this article does not cover herpes on the eyes because it is a specific topic. If you are interested in this topic, you can read the article devoted exclusively to the herpes simplex keratitis treatment.

Herpes on face pictures.
Signs and symptoms of herpes on face [↑]
Although the signs and symptoms of facial herpes vary from person to person, they usually begin with a tingling followed by burning, pain, redness, and swelling of the skin in one area of the face. In addition to these symptoms, you may have a fever and swollen lymph nodes in your neck.
After these signs and symptoms you will see some blisters that after a few days burst into sores, which are covered by a crust that dries and falls. Finally the skin returns to its initial state.
This means herpes on face is a six-phase disease that begins with the first signs and ends with the healing phase.
The early stages of disease until sores appear are called herpes outbreaks.

Stages of facial herpes.
How long does a facial herpes last?
The duration of this disease is determined by the time from the beginning of the first phase to the end of the last phase that oscillates between two and three weeks in the primary infection, that is, the first time it appears.
Herpes on face causes [↑]
Many people don’t know what causes herpes on the face and wonder why a herpes comes out on the face. The answer is that this disease is caused by a virus.
More than 100 species of the herpesvirus family are known, but fortunately only eight of them affect humans. Herpes on the face is most often caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and to a lesser extent by herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2), both belonging to the alpha subfamily of the family Herpesviradae.
Both viruses have common characteristics that differentiate them from the rest of the viruses of the alpha subfamily, which is why their name contains the adjective simplex.
Some people say genital herpes comes out on the face to express herpes simplex virus type 2 affects the face. People who express themselves in this way confuse the disease with its cause: genital herpes is the disease and the virus is its cause.
You may also have heard the phrase “cold sore on face” as a misnomer for facial herpes.
The phrase “herpes on face from sun” expresses the sun is the cause of this disease. In a sense, persons who hold this belief have some reason because sun exposure can trigger the activation of the true cause of facial herpes: the virus.
Transmission of herpes on face [↑]
Herpes on the face is contagious because the viruses that cause it are easily transmitted. Its main mode of transmission is contact with the area affected by the lesions. That’s why being kissed by someone who has a herpes outbreak on the face is one of the common forms of contagion; it’s a kiss you should avoid.
I have already commented the fundamental form of transmission of the virus is physical contact in which I include sexual contact in its various possible forms.
The virus is not only transmitted from one person to another, but also between areas of the same person’s body. For this reason, if you have a herpes outbreak on your face, you should avoid touching other parts of your body after touching the outbreak area.
This means that genital herpes is caused by the same type of virus that causes facial herpes. It is entirely possible for a person with a herpes outbreak on the face to get genital herpes if he or she does not take the required preventive measures. This can easily happen if, after touching the sores on your face, you touch your genitals without washing your hands well.
Product to prevent herpes outbreak on face [↑]
Herpes outbreaks are associated with the weakening of the immune system and the action of triggering factors such as stress, which are sometimes mistaken for the real cause of the disease.
This product is manufactured in the USA by an FDA approved company and distributed as a dietary supplement throughout the country and exported abroad.
In addition to the anti-herpes benefits, Herpesyl also has anti-inflammatory effects and antibacterial properties. It is a product that can be taken by anyone because it has no harmful side effects.
By clicking on the image you can access the official website of Herpesyl, know all its characteristics and purchase it.
Drug treatment for herpes on face [↑]
From the perspective of conventional medicine, herpes on face is treated with antiviral agents whose list is headed by acyclovir[2] which is available in tablets, injections, creams and ointments.
The most commonly used form of acyclovir is its consumption in tablets. It is usually an effective treatment because it stops the reproduction of the virus and therefore decreases the intensity of the outbreaks and their duration, although it does not eliminate the virus from our body.
Home remedies for herpes on face [↑]
There are several home remedies that have emerged from popular wisdom. Among them are the application of ice on the blisters, the washing of the sores with infusion of moringa and the application of infusion of green tea on the sores.
Although these treatments do not eliminate the virus, they help to relieve pain and some of them make the outbreaks lighter and shorten their duration.
Alternative treatments for facial herpes [↑]
In addition to home remedies, there are other alternative treatments. These include the use of cold sore treatment devices that concentrate heat and kill the virus in the area of the outbreak.
Another alternative treatment to remove facial herpes is the use of natural patches, creams, and ointments in which tea tree ointment is included. This is sold in stores in different countries. None of these options eliminates the virus from your body; its action is only in the area of the outbreak.
Herpes on face cure [↑]
There is currently no treatment that eliminates herpes overnight; anyone who promises it is cheating on you. Curing a disease is eliminating its cause, not just its signs and symptoms.
Herpes is a very difficult disease to cure because the virus that causes it has protective mechanisms to prevent its destruction by the immune system. Curing facial herpes is not the same as relieving the outbreak.
This method was created by a British doctor, father of the journalist Melanie Addington. She became ill with genital herpes and after losing faith in the treatments of conventional medicine turned to her father for help.
Melanie’s father set out to find a cure to heal his daughter and so the protocol was born. After she got rid of herpes, she decided to write a book for anyone who wanted to use this treatment, which she titled The Ultimate Herpes Protocol.
This method is distinguished by the elimination of the virus that causes herpes in less than 60 days through a curative process structured in three stages described below.
Stages of herpes on face cure
The goal of the first stage is to strengthen the patient’s immune system. Diet plays an important role in this. That’s why the book lists the foods you should eat and those you should avoid during treatment.
Diet is important because if you have herpes, you may be contributing to frequent outbreaks with your diet and lifestyle.
The second stage of the method concentrates on destroying the protective protein layer of the virus so that the immune system, strengthened in the first stage, can eliminate it. This is the most important stage of treatment because its actions eliminate the protection of the virus that prevents its destruction by the cells of the immune system.
The third stage involves actions aimed at preventing the virus from reproducing.
Once the three stages of treatment are over, you will be herpes-free and healthier because your body has also been prepared to fight other diseases that may affect you.
Stages of The Ultimate Herpes Protocol | ||
Stage | Goal | Remedies use |
Stage 1 | Strengthen the immune system. | Diet and lifestyle changes. |
Stage 2 | Destroy the protective protein layer of the virus. | Application of two non-toxic pharmaceutical products. |
Stage 3 | Stop the reproduction of the virus. | Diet rich in lysine and poor in arginine and consumption of nutritional supplements anti-herpes. |
Benefits of “The Ultimate Herpes Protocol”
The benefits of this protocol include a formula for preparing a natural ointment that has been shown to be more effective than acyclovir cream and acyclovir ointment for treating blisters and sores in experimental studies in different countries.
By applying this treatment you will be able to eliminate the facial herpes or any other type of herpes simplex and destroy the virus that causes it within 60 days maximum.Everyone who has used this protocol in the treatment of herpes on the face or any other part of their body has expressed great satisfaction with the results achieved.
The most relevant part of the treatment is the elimination of the herpes virus forever and that you can apply it at home, if you have the book with all the indications.
The book in English can be downloaded it in PDF format from its official site.
If you speak Spanish and are interested in removing the herpes virus from your body quickly and forever, you can download the book in Spanish by clicking on the link.
If you prefer to read the book in French, you can download The Ultimate Herpes Protocol in French.
Herpes on the face of pregnant women [↑]
The most dangerous herpes in pregnant women is genital herpes because the mother can infect the baby at birth if she has an outbreak at that time or the virus is present in the vagina without an outbreak.
Herpes on the mother’s face also poses a danger to her newborn baby.
Newborns’ immune systems are weak and infection with the herpes simplex virus can cause death.
A mother with herpes on her face should take extreme measures to prevent her baby from getting it.
If herpes affects the mother’s lips, she can use hydrocolloid patches to reduce the time of the outbreak and prevent the baby from coming into contact with the outbreak area and its secretions.
Women with newborn children who have had herpes outbreaks on their faces should avoid kissing their baby and for no reason kissing their baby on his or her face.
Final notes about herpes on face treatment [↑]
The face is the part of the body that shows the facial appearance and herpes is a disease that damages our image to the eyes of others. This disease, in addition to affecting our appearance, causes pain, swollen glands and other discomfort.
Herpes on face can be very dangerous because it can cause keratitis, if it infects the eyes.
There are several treatments for facial herpes. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is very effective and removes the virus from our body forever.
If you’ve found this article about the herpes on face treatment helpful, share it with your friends on social networks. It’s a good way to help them.
1. ↑ The face. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Face
2. ↑ Acyclovir. Medlineplus. https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a681045.html
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