This website is constituted by a group of interconnected articles about herpes virus, the illnesses that it usually causes and the treatments to fight them. We dedicate special attention to a cure for herpes called “The Ultimate Herpes Protocol” which has been used by thousands of people from all over the world with satisfactory results. Many alternative medicine specialists say this treatment is the best way to kill herpes virus.
All articles of the website are written in a clear, simple and interesting language to facilitate their understanding by any interested person. The readers may formulate questions and express their opinions in the section of comments.
If you are Spanish-speaking and you want to get a remedy for herpes in Spanish, click on this link.
In this article I analyze the cause of herpes according to its type and I expose a panorama of the existent treatments at the present referring to the most significant characteristics of “The Ultimate Herpes Protocol”.
Herpes: the disease and its cause [↑]
When we talk about herpes, most people think about the more popularly known forms of this illness: genital herpes and labial herpes (herpes labialis or cold sores), but herpes can appear in other parts of the body different from the genital and the lips.
Types of herpes
The cause of herpes is a virus, independently of the place of the body where the illness is manifested. The viruses that cause this disease belong to the subfamily alpha of the herpesvirus family. This subfamily is integrated by three types of viruses that cause herpes.
The first type of virus is named herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), the second type is called herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and the third type is known as varicella zoster virus. Herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 belong to the group of herpes simplex viruses, so that when we use this expression, we are referring to any of these two types of viruses.
Herpes simplex viruses: herpes simplex type 1 and herpes simplex type 2
The place of the body where herpes caused by a virus type 1 or 2 appears for the first time (place of initial infection), depends on the virus type that causes it and on the way it uses to infect its host (person infected by the virus).
Herpes simplex virus type 1 affects initially, with more frequency, the parts of the body that are above the waist, while herpes simplex virus type 2 affects mostly the parts below the waist.
However, a person that practices oral sex with somebody that suffers from genital herpes, caused by herpes simplex virus type 2, can be infected with this virus and to suffer from herpes labialis. In a same way, it can happen that somebody with labial herpes, caused by herpes simplex virus type 1, contaminates his or her sexual partners causing them genital herpes.
These examples indicate that the part of the body where herpes manifests also depends on the way of infection.
The previous explanations suggest that it is more adequate to name herpes according to the place of the body where it manifests than according to the type of virus that causes it. It is so we speak of genital herpes, to make reference to herpes that attacks the genital and surroundings; labial herpes, to refer to herpes that manifests on the lips; herpes on tongue, for herpes that manifests in this organ and so on.
Although the identification of the type of virus (HSV-1 or HSV-2) is not important to name the illness that it causes, it is important in the selection of the cure for herpes. This identification is carried out in the diagnosis.
Varicella zoster virus
The varicella zoster virus causes herpes called shingles or herpes zoster that manifests with more frequency, independently of the way of infection, in the buttocks, the face and the thorax.
This virus is also the cause of the chickenpox, very frequent in the children. Those people infected with this virus suffer from chickenpox firstly, and later they can suffer from shingles, although in most cases the virus remains latent without showing for a second time.
The post herpetic neuralgia is an illness associated to the shingles; it is a sequel of the shingles that manifests as a pain of difficult treatment with analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Characteristics of the viruses that cause herpes
In this section I will talk about common characteristics to all the viruses that cause herpes (subfamily alpha: herpes simplex virus type 1, herpes simplex virus type 2 and varicella zoster virus), common characteristics to herpes simplex viruses and specific characteristics of the viruses of each type.
Common characteristics to the viruses of the subfamily alpha that cause herpes
- The cycle of growth is short and quick. Their hosts show symptoms of the illness (outbreaks) a few days after being infected by virus.
- These viruses usually infect neurons and remain latent in our body during a lifetime producing recurrence (new outbreaks) of the illness in the same area of the initial infection.
- The recurrence usually happens in stress situations or when the immune system weakens.
- Each person can get infected with a virus of a single type, by viruses of two types or by viruses of the three types. It means, for example, that a person that has suffered from chickenpox can also suffer from genital herpes caused by HSV-2 and from labial herpes caused by HSV-1.
Characteristics of herpes simplex viruses
Besides the previous characteristics, common to all the viruses that cause herpes, herpes simplex viruses have the following common characteristics:
- These viruses are present in the cutaneous lesions that they cause and in diverse corporal fluids, particularly the saliva and the vaginal secretions.
- After these viruses infect a cell they replicate in the near areas, infect neurons and travel to the ganglions. The viruses travel to the trigeminal ganglia in the case of an infection of the oral mucous membrane and they remain in the ganglions of the sacred roots in the cases of infections on genital mucous membrane.
- The recurrence of herpes caused by these viruses can be associated to the menstruation in the case of females.
- Herpes simplex viruses are transmitted by close contact between the infected and a healthy person. The usual ways of transmission are kissing and sexual contact.
- Herpes simplex viruses are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one, but can also be transmitted from an area of the body to another of a same person, when the recommended hygienic-sanitary measures are not followed.
- These viruses are those of bigger size of the subfamily.
- Besides causing herpes, these viruses cause other illnesses: herpetic pharyngitis, herpetic eczema, herpetic esophagitis, herpes keratitis, herpetic tracheobronchitis, herpetic gladiatorum, herpetic proctitis, meningitis and herpes encephalitis and herpes whitlow. Although the viruses of both types can produce these illnesses, the image shows the most frequent according to the type of virus.
- Recent research has revealed that Alzheimer’s disease is related to the herpes simplex virus. Although some media have ventured to claim the virus is a cause of this disease, researchers still do not know if this is true. However, the data obtained show there is a relationship between herpes and Alzheimer’s disease in all the cases studied.
Parts of body infected by herpes simplex viruses.
Specific characteristics of the viruses that cause herpes
Herpes simplex virus type 1 is generally transmitted from mouth to mouth by means of kissing. Its transmission can also take place when sharing objects containing saliva of the carrier of the virus. Another path of transmission is the hands: if a person touches with one of her/his hands the area affected by the virus, and later touches with that hand her/his eyes or a wound.
Herpes simplex virus type 2 is transmitted fundamentally through sexual contact, because it is located in the anus, the rectum and in the secretions of the genitals. It is also transmitted from mother to son, if she suffers from an infection of herpes in the moment of the baby’s birth and a caesarean operation is not practiced.
A difference between the viruses of a type and another is the area of the body that they used to affect more. The illnesses caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 happen, with more frequency, in the areas of the body above the waist, while herpes simplex virus type 2 affect, with more frequency, the areas located below the waist. It is why sometimes genital herpes is associated with herpes simplex virus type 2, while herpes labialis is related with herpes simplex virus type 1.
The varicella zoster virus is transmitted fundamentally through respiratory way. That is why it is highly contagious; it is the cause of the chickenpox and shingles. This last illness is generally caused by the reactivation of the virus in people with depressed immune system. The contact with people that suffer from shingles is also a way of transmission of the virus.
People with risks of being infected by the varicella zoster virus are: 1) children whose age oscillates between five and nine years, 2) adolescents and adults; in them the chickenpox is usually more serious and with risk of pneumonia, 3) people with depressed immune system and newborns; the chickenpox in these people is associated with pneumonia and encephalitis and 4) old men and adults with depressed immune system; they can suffer from shingles when the virus becomes recurrent.
The varicella zoster virus is everywhere in the planet and it can affect us in any season of the year. Besides chickenpox and shingles, this virus can cause Reyes’s syndrome.
Comparison between the viruses that cause herpes | |||
Type of virus | Tissue it infects | Illnesses caused by the virus | Fundamental ways of transmission |
HSV-1 | Oral mucous membrane, skin and genital mucous membrane (less frequent) | Oral herpes, herpes in eye, pharyngitis, esophagitis, tracheobronchitis, keratitis, encephalitis, herpetic whitlow and genital herpes (less frequent) | Direct contact with lesions |
HSV-2 | Genital mucous membrane and oral mucous membrane (less frequent) | Genital herpes, perianal herpes, proctitis, meningitis, pharyngitis, herpetic whitlow and oral herpes (less frequent) | Sexual contact |
Varicella zoster virus | Skin, mucous membrane and outlying nerves | Chickenpox, shingles, post herpetic neuralgia and Reyes’ syndrome | Respiratory way and direct contact with lesions |
The most common forms of male genital herpes are herpes on penis and herpes on the scrotum.
Herpes prevention [↑]
The prevention of herpes is a task that usually does not have successful results due to the way the virus is transmitted.
Measures to prevent herpes include using a latex condom, avoiding sex during a herpes outbreak, and not using other people’s personal effects.
Results from a study published in The journal of Infectious Deseases in February 2019[1] show pericoital use of 1% tenofovir gel reduces the likelihood of transmission of herpes simplex virus type 2.
The results of this study constitute an important contribution to the aspirations of those partners in which one of their members is not infected with the herpes virus.
I have dedicated an article to answering the question of how to prevent herpes outbreaks.
Treatments of herpes. Which of them kill herpes virus?
Maybe the biggest interest of people searching information about herpes is to find a cure to kill herpes virus, that is to say, a treatment for herpes that is effective and liberates them of the illness. However, most of the existent treatments don’t eliminate the virus of our body.
People that are not carriers of any of the viruses that cause herpes could be interested in some preventive treatment of the illness, but unfortunately there is a vaccine to prevent only the infection from the varicella zoster virus. There is not a vaccine to prevent the infection for herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes simplex virus type 2 at the present date.
We should keep in mind several factors when choosing a cure for herpes simplex virus, among them: the type of virus that has caused the illness, the place of the body where we have the outbreak, the price of the product, the proven effectiveness of the treatment in patients that have applied it, the readiness of the remedy and the possible side effects and their harmfulness for the health.
The most frequent herpes are those produced by simple herpes virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2). This fact and the non-existence of a preventive vaccine that immunizes us against these viruses are the reasons that have stimulated a growing interest for the search of cures for herpes.
Herpes can be treated with remedies of different types. Three types of treatments for herpes are recognized, according to their origin. The first type includes the treatments based on chemical drugs, the second type refers to the remedies that use the natural and alternative medicine and the third involves the combined treatments, that is to say, cures based on so many remedies of the first type as well as the second type.
The three types of treatments have a topical form by means of the use of creams and ointments. There is very effective topical genital herpes treatment to treat the outbreaks and to reduce their duration.
On this website we publish testimonials and interviews in which patients tell us their herpes stories and how they were able to get rid of the disease.
Treatments of herpes based on chemical drugs [↑]
The good known treatments of those based on chemical drugs are sustained in the use of Acyclovir. This medicine has an antiviral function because that stops the virus population’s growth in the lesions, but it doesn’t kill herpes virus.
Acyclovir is effective in the treatment all types of herpes and it is available in different presentations that include pills, injections, creams and ointments; its price varies from a country to another, but it is generally affordable to the whole population.
Treatments of herpes based on natural and alternative medicine [↑]
The treatments of herpes, based on the natural and alternative medicine, are very varied; they put a lot of attention on the diet. The hosts of viruses should maintain a good functioning of the immune system. It is known that certain foods or drinks like coffee, black tea and chocolate have noxious effects to the immune system and for that reason seropositive people should avoid their consumption.
One of the options to contribute to treat the illness is the use of medicinal plants and natural oils, but this treatment doesn’t offer adequate answer to the question: how to cure herpes naturally forever? This method doesn’t kill herpes virus, but it helps to eliminate outbreaks.
The use of the therapy with ozone and the acupuncture is among the treatments of herpes, based on the natural and alternative medicine. Specific treatments of labial herpes have also been developed with non-invasive medical devices using light, non-invasive medical devices using heat, natural creams and patches.
Home Herpes Revolution belongs to alternative medicine and it has been used very effectively as a genital herpes in women treatment.
Combined treatment to kill herpes virus. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol [↑]
The cure of herpes is a difficult, but not impossible task. In this zeal, the combined treatments have been the most successful.
One of the good known treatments to cure herpes is “The Ultimate Herpes Protocol” by Melanie Addington. This protocol was conceived by a British doctor to cure his daughter’s genital herpes. This treatment is based fundamentally on the natural and alternative medicine, although it uses some chemical drugs without noxious side effects for health.
The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is the best protocol to kill herpes virus definitively; it is available in a book in PDF format and you can download it from its official website.
The Book was written initially in English language, but it has been translated to other languages, including Spanish and French.
You can download the Book in Spanish language from this link.
If you prefer to read in French, you can download the version of the book in French language from this website.
This treatment was used in its beginnings to fight the illness in genitals, but it is very effective against the oral herpes and herpes zoster, and it constitutes definitive herpes on tongue cure and herpes on scrotum cure.
The Ultimate Herpes Protocol structures the cure of herpes in three stages and it attacks the virus from different angles until destroying it totally. There are thousands of people from all over the world that have used it and they express their satisfaction to be freed from the virus forever in less than 60 days. This protocol is a preventive herpes simplex keratitis treatment and a preventive herpes encephalitis treatment.
Questions and answers about killing the herpes virus [↑]
In this section, I provide answers to several questions that are frequently asked by people who are interested to killing the herpes virus. If you have any questions about this topic, you can ask them in the comments section. We will be happy to answer you.
First I expose all the questions and then their respective answers. You can consult the answer to any of the questions by clicking on question and then return to the list.
Answers to questions The immune system cannot eliminate the virus of our body. For that reason it is necessary a treatment to fight it. If this question had an affirmative answer, the question: does herpes cure itself?, should also have one, because the immune system would eliminate the virus without the need for treatment. If you have not asked why it is important to kill the herpes virus, you should ask it. The elimination of the virus from your body will allow you and your family to live a more healthy life. If you don’t eliminate the virus from your body, it can cause health problems for you. Can herpes kill you? The answer of this question is affirmative, if you don’t take the lead and you kill the herpes virus before the virus affects your health. Herpes simplex virus and fundamentally the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) can cause you herpetic encephalitis. This illness causes inflammation and irritation of the brain and according the statistics more than 70% of the cases die, if they are not treated appropriately in time. The patients that survive the illness suffer from sequels which impede them to develop a healthy life. If you suffer from genital herpes you are most likely emotionally disturbed because this disease, in addition to the physical damage to the genitals, affects our affective area. However, you should be aware that recent research about the association between genital herpes and HIV[2] has shown that patients with genital herpes are more likely to get HIV than people without it. This treatment to kill herpes virus will allow you to get rid of herpes fast. The first thing you should know regarding this question is that herpes is not an inherited disease because the virus that causes it is not transmitted by inheritance, but by contact with the area of the body where the virus is present. For this reason, if a pregnant woman has a genital herpes outbreak at the time of delivery and the gynecologist does not perform a cesarean section, the baby is likely to get the virus at birth. A baby who gets herpes at birth or who becomes infected with the virus through contact with adults can have serious health problems that can lead to death. Baby with herpes on his face. In July 2018, the international press reported the case of baby Mallory Gober, who died of herpes at the age of three weeks in Arizona, USA. Her father Jeff Gober shared his grief on Facebook and reported that his daughter was born healthy. In her message he emphasized the need to wash hands thoroughly before touching babies. Another case of a baby dying from herpes simplex virus type 1 was reported in London, United Kingdom, in September 2017. According BBC News, the baby Kit Tarka died at 13 days of age at Evelina London Children’s Hospital and his parents Sarah Higson and James de Malplaquet do not know how their son was infected with the virus. In September 2018, a story was published about the death of a baby named Leo, son of Kira Aldcroft from Prestwich, Greater Manchester, England. The cause of the baby’s death was the herpes simplex virus type 2, also known as the genital herpes virus. Kira told the press that during her pregnancy she had a cold sore outbreak, but her doctor didn’t give any importance to the lesion in her mouth. She has recommended that all pregnant women to require their doctor for a diagnosis of the herpes virus to prevent their babies from getting neonatal herpes. Many people ask if heat kills the herpes virus. The answer is yes, but the body’s internal heat does not destroy it. The virus cannot survive temperatures above 122 degrees Fahrenheit, but the human body does not survive that internal temperature. It is estimated that our body cannot survive an internal temperature higher than 108 degrees Fahrenheit because proteins would begin to be destroyed at a temperature close to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. That is why there is no internal herpes treatment based on the use of heat; only external heat-using treatments are available, which are applied locally in the area of the outbreak. Herpes treatments, based on the use of heat, do not remove the virus from your body; they are just alternatives to help faster healing. Since many fruits have medicinal properties you may have wondered if there are fruits that kill the herpes virus. The answer to this question is no. We can only say that there are fruits whose consumption strengthens the immune system and this helps to prevent outbreaks of herpes and shorten its duration. Among these fruits we have those with a high vitamin C content such as papaya, orange and tangerine. There are also other fruits that are often used for the treatment of herpes because they strengthen the immune system, including bitter melon and camu camu. If you need information about herpes, its causes and how to cure it, you will be able to find it in the website “Kill Herpes Virus”. The cause of herpes is a virus that usually remains in the body of infected people during all their life causing them the illness in a recurrent way in situations of stress, when their immune system is weakened or when they don’t eat appropriately. There are different types of treatments for herpes, but most of them don’t kill herpes virus. The Ultimate Herpes Protocol is one of the few treatments that eliminates the virus; its efficiency, proven by thousands of people all over the world, consists in this protocol makes disappear the outbreaks quickly and it eliminates the virus in less than 60 days. 1. ↑ Relationship between genital herpes and HIV. The journal of Infectious Deseases. Article available at 2. ↑ Effects of the pericoital use of tenofovir gel on the reduction of HSV-2 transmission. Article available at immune system kill herpes virus? [↑]
Can herpes kill you? [↑]
Can genital herpes kill you? [↑]
Can herpes kill a baby? [↑]
Does heat kill herpes virus? [↑]
What fruit kills the herpes virus? [↑]
Final notes about how to kill the herpes virus